Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Summary of Evangelium Vitae free essay sample

This affirmation of the Gospel of Life, which is part of and inseparable from the entire Gospel of Christ, is fundamental to the Church’s mission to the world, and part of the necessary witness of every Christian — especially in our present culture, where the very meaning and value of human life is under grave threat: â€Å"Only in this direction will you find justice, development, true freedom, peace and happiness! † The encyclical consists of four chapters, and begins by outlining the present situation, where assaults against human life lead the pope to characterize society today as a â€Å"culture of death†.In Chapter I, â€Å"The Voice of Your Brother’s Blood Cries to Me from the Ground†, Pope John Paul reviews the roots of human violence, and the very serious threats to human life we see today. He draws heavily on Scripture (especially the account of Cain and Abel) in his explanation of the way in which, from the beginning, personal sin undermines the very basis for affirming love and life. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of Evangelium Vitae or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"At the root of every act of violence against one’s neighbor there is a concession to the ‘thinking’ of the Evil One, the one who ‘was a murderer from the beginning’.A distorted and â€Å"perverse idea of freedom† justifies crimes against life at its most vulnerable — abortion and euthanasia — as â€Å"rights†, and underlies the present conflict between the â€Å"culture of life† and the â€Å"culture of death†. Christ’s words, â€Å"I Came That They May Have Life†, are the title of Chapter II. Here the pope reviews the history of man created in the image of God, and explains the implications of our being so created. Human life has its meaning within the context of the good Creation, and is fulfilled only in union with God.Making use of copious citations of Scripture, both the Old and New Testaments (as he does throughout the encyclical), the Holy Father shows that man’s responsibility for the Gospel of Life includes not only care for the innocent, weak and vulnerable, but also love for enemies. Man’s moral responsibility for creation includes his environment, the natural world; and it involves, also, participation in creation of new life â€Å"in the image of God†. Man is not the master of life, nor is he the master of death, the pope stresses. Instead, man entrusts imself entirely to God, who has given him life. Life, therefore, is always good. Thus suicide and euthanasia are always fundamentally immoral. It is impossible, the pope states, for life to be authentic and complete if it is detached from good, from the truth that is the Law of God. This truth is fulfilled in Jesus. The Holy Father presents an extensive reflection on the meaning of the Cross: â€Å"It is finished†. The Church’s sacraments are symbolized by the blood and water that flows from Jesus’ side. Contemplation of the cross thus â€Å"brings us to the very heart of all that has taken place†.This will open the eyes of the nation that Gods will for us is to be with him in his kingdom and that he is the only one rightful to end a persons life. Having read the book, it made me realize how precious a guft of life is, because with the environment of todays generation it is becoming a typical or common issue about killing or suicides, which should not be. And worst, we accept that some country or government legalized abortion. Abortion or RH Bill is not the answer for todays crisis the gift of life is not a problem and never will be.Having read evangelium vitae made me realize that I should work now and do my duty as a catholic and as a child of God. As a student I should know the different ways to help and support the fight for Anti-RH bill, because every human, every breathing person counts no matter what status or position you are in the community. For catholics every mass we attend there are prayers offered seeking guidance and protection against all anti life forces, it would not take so much of our time and effort to join the prayers and pray it with all our heart.A lot of catholic and christian community are helding pr ayer brigades and programs that aims to educate and touch the hearts of those people who are blinded of promoting rh bill, it will be a big help if we support those and be really there to witness and experience it. And mist of all, we, within ourselves we should never practice any form of controlling the formation of life in any form. It is pathetic that we support and pray all those mentioned later part if we to ourselves does not practice these, and commit any anti life actions. We should be responsible whenever we engage to sex, sex is sacred to married couples only.

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